The wings of the butterfly flutter by, landing every so often to pause and allow those around to wonder at its beauty. I wonder, looking at each detail and speck of colour. How intricate and detailed are the finite creations of our Maker! Butterflies flit and flutter about, filling the air with colours in motion. A living piece of art, so easy to identify and behold. How much more detail must He have put into creating me? The inner workings of my mind, heart, spirit, soul: each one created for His glory.
The butterfly, delicate as its wings may be, has a strength to carry itself through light winds and a resilience that once grew from being a squirmy caterpillar. A plan for growth came from its simplicity, as it once wiggled around and appeared wormlike. Did it know it was to become a butterfly? God’s plan for His creation is one of salvation and not of accident. The new creation of a butterfly came not from mere chance, but careful planning of an ultimate Artist.